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2024/07/26 15:06




この日、アランは新しく新調した「Hunt vest 02 short」を身に着けていました。そのベストはルックスとしっかりとした作りと機能性が目を引き、彼のガーデニングスタイルを一層引き立てていました。足元には街で履き潰したVANSを履き、長年の使用で味わい深くなったその靴は、アランの「物を長く大切に使うと言う信念と情熱」を物語っています。

彼は「Soil bag」を手に取り、必要なガーデニングツールを丁寧に詰め込みました。ハンドスコップ、剪定ばさみ、麻紐など、全てが整然と収まっています。庭の中央に立ったアランは、今日の作業を心の中で計画しました。

新調した「Hunt vest 02 short」は、想像通りバランスと着心地がよく、ショート丈が彼の動きに軽やかさを加えました。アランは「Soil bag」からスコップを取り出し、土を丁寧に掘り返しながら桜の根元を整え、剪定ばさみを使って枝を整えました。太陽が庭を暖かく照らし、比良山系からの風が心地よく吹き抜ける中、アランは黙々と作業を進めていきます。

休憩の時間になると、アランは「Soil bag」から冷えたハーブティーを取り出し、一口飲みました。ひんやりとしたハーブティーが喉を潤し、心地よい爽やかさが体に広がりました。ベンチに座り、庭の美しさを眺めながら一息つきました。「この庭で過ごす時間が、本当に幸せだ。」アランは微笑みながら自分に言いました。

新調した「Hunt vest 02 short」と「Soil bag」は、これからも彼の庭作業の良き相棒になることでしょう。


A Peaceful Morning of Gardening

On a serene morning, with Lake Biwa sparkling, Alan, a gardener who moved from Scotland to Shiga, was preparing to start his day in the garden. Since moving here, he has been captivated by the local plants and the beauty of traditional Japanese gardens, taking pride in nurturing the garden with his own hands.

On this day, Alan was wearing his newly acquired "Hunt vest 02 short." The vest, with its striking appearance, sturdy construction, and functionality, enhanced his gardening style. On his feet were well-worn VANS, their long-term use giving them a character that tells the story of Alan's belief in and passion for "valuing and caring for things over time."

He picked up the "Soil bag" and carefully packed his necessary gardening tools. The hand trowel, pruning shears, and jute twine were all neatly arranged. Standing in the center of the garden, Alan mentally planned his tasks for the day. "Today, I'll tend to the cherry blossoms and prepare the new flower bed," he told himself.

The new "Hunt vest 02 short" was just as comfortable and well-balanced as he had imagined, with its short length adding lightness to his movements. Alan took a trowel from the "Soil bag" and, while carefully digging around the cherry tree roots, used the pruning shears to shape the branches. The sun warmly bathed the garden, and a pleasant breeze from the Hira Mountains flowed through as Alan worked quietly.

During a break, Alan took out a chilled herbal tea from the "Soil bag" and took a sip. The cool tea refreshed his throat, and a delightful sensation spread through his body. Sitting on a bench, he took a moment to admire the beauty of the garden. "Spending time in this garden truly makes me happy," Alan said with a smile.

He stood up again and continued his afternoon tasks. By evening, the garden was even more beautifully arranged, and his efforts had paid off. Alan returned home, enveloped in a sense of satisfaction, and happily reflected on the day's accomplishments over a beer. That night, while gazing at the starry sky reflected in Lake Biwa, Alan reaffirmed the special meaning of his garden and vowed to continue coexisting with nature. The new "Hunt vest 02 short" and "Soil bag" would continue to be his trusty companions in gardening.

This is a fictional story based on ideals.