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2024/07/25 16:30



2024年春、彼らは日本への旅行のときに「Daily apron」をお揃いで手に入れました。パッケージにはMade In Shiga, Japanの文字。このエプロンは日本の職人が織った11号帆布で作られており、シンプルなデザインで経年変化を楽しみながら長く使えるのが特徴らしいです。

ある日の夕方、新鮮なイカが手に入ったので、フランチェスコとジュリアは「Daily apron」を身につけて、家に代々伝わるルチアーナ風パスタに挑戦します。「今日は少しアレンジしてみよう」とフランチェスコが話すと、ジュリアは目を輝かせて「それは素晴らしいわね!その旨味がパスタにしっかり染み込むと、もっと深い味わいになるわ」と応じます。




料理が完成すると、二人は笑顔でテーブルを囲みます。「Daily apron」を通じて、料理の楽しさと互いの絆を深めています。エプロンに付いた汚れも、洗っていくうちに風合いが増し、自分たちだけの特別な衣に育っていくのです。


Deepen your bond through cooking

In Naples, Italy, a sun-drenched Mediterranean city, Francesco and Giulia are deepening their bond through cooking.

Recently, they acquired matching "Daily aprons" during their trip to Japan. The package bears the label "Made In Shiga, Japan." These aprons are crafted from 10oz canvas woven by Japanese artisans and are noted for their simple design and durability that allows them to develop a unique character over time.

One evening, after obtaining fresh squid, Francesco and Giulia don their "Daily aprons" and set out to prepare the family’s traditional Lucia-style pasta. “Let’s try a little twist today,” Francesco suggests, and Giulia’s eyes light up as she replies, “That sounds wonderful! If we infuse the pasta with that umami, it will have a richer flavor.”

Francesco carefully prepares the squid, cutting it into rings. Meanwhile, Giulia works on finishing the sauce and says, “To enhance the squid’s flavor, I’m adding a bit of white wine to the tomato sauce.” “That’s a great idea. The combination of squid and tomato is fantastic,” Francesco nods in agreement. Giulia adds the squid to the sauce and advises, “Let it simmer a bit longer to ensure the squid absorbs the sauce well.”

While the sauce simmers, Giulia takes out a bird call hanging from the pen pocket of her apron and refreshes herself by interacting with the birds in the garden. Francesco enjoys watching her and says, “It’s fun that we can use these aprons together. I’m looking forward to using them for a long time.”

As the cooking progresses, Giulia remarks, “With the squid added, the pasta will be even more flavorful. I can’t wait to enjoy it with the salad.” Francesco responds, “I’m really looking forward to it. The freshness of the seafood will make this pasta special.”

When the meal is ready, the two of them sit at the table with smiles. Through their "Daily aprons," they are not only enjoying cooking but also strengthening their bond. The stains on the aprons, washed over time, will enhance their texture and become a cherished part of their unique cooking experiences.

※This is a fictional story based on ideals.